Technology that transforms your cash handling

Our KISAN Accurate Recognition (KAR) technology is the industry-leading platform for advanced counterfeit detection.


Reliable, cutting-edge sensor technology

Prevailing cash management issues require cutting-edge solutions. Our award-winning design and innovative technology creates solutions you can rely on.

A foreign currency bill after being scanned by KISAN technology.A foreign currency bill before undergoing KISAN technology.

Infrared Sensors

Full color and detailed imaging processing using infrared reflection and transmission to analyze and detect counterfeit bills.

A foreign currency bill after being scanned by KISAN technology.A foreign currency bill after being scanned by KISAN technology.

Ultraviolet Sensors

Detection of counterfeit and washed bills through ultraviolet reflection and transmission signal analysis.

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KISAN America team

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The KISAN America headquarters building located in Dallas, Texas.
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